Wabanaki Coast
Although many accounts of the war conclude with the death of King Philip, the war continued on the northern front after his death, as survivors took refuge in the north and Wabanaki people continued to push back the bounds of English settlement. The northern front of the war did not conclude until the Treaty of Pemaquid in 1677 and the Treaty of Casco Bay in 1678. The Northern Front stretched from the Piscataqua River to the Kennebec River, with raids taking place mainly on the coast. However, the impacts carried much farther, into the Wabanaki interior of the White Mountains, up the coast to Penobscot and Machias, and all the way to Ktsitekw, the St. Lawrence River. These pages begin on the Piscataqua, focusing on the captivity of Native people at Cocheco, and conclude with the Treaties at Pemaquid and Caskoak, including the return of captives taken from Machias.
Follow the pages in this path to learn about the captives taken at Cocheco and the treaties that ended the northern front of the war.