Our Beloved Kin: Remapping A New History of King Philip's War

Unbinding the Ends of War

This section of the website emerged from the collaborative work of Lisa Brooks’ Mellon seminar at Amherst College, “The Place of Memory,” in 2015. Mellon Research Fellows Heru Craig, Griffin Harris, Cassandra Hradil, Margaret King, Allyson LaForge, and Lauren Tuiskula worked alongside Brooks and co-instructor Dr. Andy Anderson to complete research and mapping projects for the website. They used the mapping software ArcGIS to generate maps for these pages. Cassandra Hradil and Lauren Tuiskula continued to work on the project, from 2015-17 as contributors, editors and website design collaborators. Tim Gaura created a research database to support the seminar and did crucial research for some of the pages. Lehua Matsumoto worked on website design and database management for the Path design. Nia Holley joined the team toward the end of the project, in 2017, as an intern and contributor for pages related to Boston and Hassanamesit. The “Unbinding the Ends of War” Path is the result of this dynamic process of collaboration.

U N B I N D I N G the Ends of War intends to reflect the ways King Philip's War did not come to a definitive end, as has been represented by traditional historical accounts. Rather, the threads of relationality and conflict that shaped the wartime era continued to weave through the lives of people in the Northeast. Focusing on four major geographic regions, the Unbinding section reveals a way of thinking about the "end" of war that is not teleological, but continuous.


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