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12017-05-29T18:40:44+00:00Remove 9: Kwinitekw (Connecticut River)16gallery2019-05-30T14:35:13+00:00After carrying out a raid on the colonial settlement of Northampton, the company with which Mary Rowlandson traveled moved about "five miles up the river," encamping at the Great Bend near the confluence of the Ashuelot River with Kwinitekw, another vital gathering place in Sokoki country. From here, a Narragansett delegation went south to retrieve more dried corn from their caches, a dangerous expedition as colonial forces were seeking out Narragansetts, Wampanoags, and their corn caches throughout their homelands. A female relative of Quinnapin (a Narragansett leader and Weetamoo's husband), returned with "about a peck and a half of corn," gathered while Narragansett warriors, led by Canonchet, held off English forces, Canonchet sacrificing his life so that the families to the north would be sustained. This corn would feed the families and would form part of the supply of corn that could soon be planted in Kwinitekw's fertile banks. Still, even before the ground was ready for planting, Rowlandson noted that they were cooking apenak (groundnuts) and bear stew.