Our Beloved Kin: Remapping A New History of King Philip's War

Printer Comes In

This map highlights the locations of Captain Tom, James Printer and their relations after they returned to Natick and Magunkoag, also showing their proximity to the path to Cambridge.   

Major Gookin 

The Council have ordered your selfe to take care for the security of the squas & papooses lately come in with James Printer & Nehimiah and to improve the said James & Nehimiah to shew their fidelite by bringing som of the enemies heads. Assure others as they shall bring in shalbee received to the benifitt of the Declaration I expect knowne to bee notorius in their mischeefe against us.

July 3 1676
Edwd. Rawson [...]

This document arose from the Massachusett'sresponse to the earlier Petition of the Indian Officers. The governor and council officially granted James Printer and Nehimiah, and the twelve women and children with them, permission to come in. Although the scouts' petition was not fully successful, it did allow those abroad to come in, in return for submitting "themselves to the English government." Rawson expands on this requirement here, writing that James and Nehimiah must "shew their fidelite by bringing som of the enemies heads." Being permitted to come in remained contingent on displays of loyalty to the English. Rawson's racialized language -- "squas and papooses" -- shows that those coming in, despite their pledge of allegiance to the English, were regarded as distinctly different and other. It also highlights the composition of the group coming in, mostly women and children, as was permitted by the Massachusetts Bay government and council in response to the original petition. Further, Printer successfully advocated for those with him and others still abroad to come in.

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