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1../awikhigan/../media/images/paquoag-village-sign-IMG-CL.jpg2017-05-29T18:40:47+00:00Remove 5: Paquaug River crossing4image_header2017-06-14T18:12:32+00:00In the fifth remove, Mary Rowlandson described crossing the "Bacquaug" (Paquoag) River, now known as Miller’s River, where the Native women with whom she traveled "quickly fell to cutting dried trees" to build rafts in order to carry themselves, their children, elders and captives across. In early March, "it being a very cold time," the river would have been rushing, icy cold, but the women protected the most vulnerable among them from the freezing waters, including Mary Rowlandson. They all made it to the other side, and encamped in the Nipmuc town of Paquoag north of the river. There, they rested, then moved on after setting their temporary shelters "on fire." Rowlandson was astounded that, as colonial troops approached "on that very day," with "the smoke of their Wigwams" visible from the bank, the Paquoag "river put a stop to” the English men. The Native women's environmental knowledge gave them the edge they needed to evade capture and they moved further north without detection.
A likely crossing place is marked on the land today with a sign placed there by the Athol Bicentennial Commission, a stop on the Athol History Trail. How does this sign represent Rowlandson and the women with whom she traveled? What kind of scene does it convey? What does it tell you about this place?
Paquoag was a place that colonists like the trader John Pynchon knew as a Nipmuc town and planting place. In August 1676, writing from his trading center of Agawam (Springfield) on the Connecticut River, he noted that he had sent “scouts to discover Paquoag which lies on Millers River above Hadley, who are gone out about 30 and if any corn there to cut it down.” (167) At the same time, he sent soldiers “to cut down the Indians’ corn at Squakeag, etc. which accordingly done and not any Indians seen thereabouts.” This context is important for understanding the motivation of Weetamoo and the women who traveled with her. As John Pynchon knew, places like Paquoag and Sokwakik held the promise of planting, come spring. However, these places, mentioned by Pynchon, were also accessible to colonial scouts. From Paquoag, they moved on, heading north toward a land of corn, which was beyond English settlements and colonial surveillance. (Pynchon Papers 1:167)